disc pump concept dates back to 1850. A pump was invented
in the US by Sargent, who took a series of 29 parallel
discs spaced a few thousands of an inch apart, enclosed
them with a metal band, and made a number of holes in
the band to allow fluid to pass in and out (see Figure
1). It was the first example of a pump operating solely
on the boundary layer/viscous drag principle. As far
as pumping goes, though, it was not a great success.
The idea was taken further by the
Serbian-American inventor Nikola Tesla. He removed the
metal band from around the discs, which improved the
pump's performance, although he too insisted on keeping
the spacing between the discs very small, believing
that at a certain point the pump would stop pumping
if the discs were spaced too far apart. This insistence
on very narrow disc spacing greatly limited the pump's
capabilities to pumping non-viscous fluids and then
very inefficiently, so the idea was all but forgotten.
Then in the 1970s, Max Gurth, an inventer
in southern California, looked at the concpet again.
He found that the disc spacing could be widened to as
much as 20" [500 mm], and contrary to the expectations
of theoretical pump experts, the boundary layer/viscous
drag principle still applied at these distances. Moreover,
flow remained pulsation-free and laminar. One of his
most interesting findings was that, unlike other pumps,
the disc pump became more efficient at higher viscosities, exceeding the efficiency of a similarly
sized centrifugal pump with fluid viscosities higher
than 250 cP.
He took out the first patents in the
late 1970s and founded the Discflo Corporation in 1982
to manufacture and market the pumps. The pumping mechanism,
which is called the Discpac, originally used flat discs.
In 1988, a second generation of Discpac, called the
high head design, was developed and patented. It is
better suited than the flat discs to severely abrasive
fluids, air-entrained fluids, and fluctuating pumping
conditions, such as large or sudden changes in flow
rates. |
First 'disc
pump' - a pump operating solely on the boundary layer/viscous
drag principles - was invented in 1850 in the US. |